Depression treatment and Aß dynamics: A study of Alzheimer’s disease risk (ABD Study)

The purpose of this research study is to test if a reduction in depressive symptoms in response to treatment with an antidepressant improves levels of certain proteins which have been associated with increased risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Study Length

Approximately 2 months for screening and 8 weeks for treatment.



Inclusion Criteria

You may be eligible for our study if you:

  • Are 60 or older
  • Are diagnosed with depression or have symptoms of depression
  • Feel comfortable completing an MRI
  • Are willing to be treated with Escitalopram (Lexapro) a widely prescribed antidepressant
  • Are willing to have a lumbar puncture procedure

Study Title (brief)

The ABD Study

Study Description (brief)

The purpose of this research study is to test if a reduction in depressive symptoms in response to treatment with an antidepressant improves levels of certain proteins which have been associated with increased risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Study Contact

For questions and concerns regarding any of this information, contact Dr. Antero Sarreal, Study Coordinator, 845-398-6532 or

Study Location

Nathan Kline Institute and NYU Grossman School of Medicine