The OMH Clinical Laboratory is a full service clinical laboratory, performing much of the routine lab work for Office of Mental Health (OMH) facilities. Specimens are collected at each facility, pre-processed and transported via couriers to the OMH Clinical Laboratories. Once testing is complete and results verified, the reports are returned by computer. In this way results are returned to the originating facility in a timely and accurate manner assisting physicians in their treatment of patients.
The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art automated analyzers, all of which are directly interfaced with the Laboratory Information System (LIS). Testing is performed in the areas of hematology, chemistry, urinalysis, bacteriology, parasitology, serology, special chemistry, cytology and histology. In addition to analysis, the laboratory also provides other services.
In coordination with NKI’s Information Sciences Division, a variety of quality assurances, therapeutic monitoring of graphs, microbiology antiobiograms, workload statistics, exception reports and other data is provided to OMH facilities. Local Departments of Health are notified when communicable diseases are detected. A “point-of-care” testing program for bedside glucose monitoring is administered by OMH Clinical Laboratory staff. Consultative pathology services are also provided to the medical staff.
The OMH Clinical Laboratory is accredited by the New York State Department of Health (DOH), [Permit # PFI//; 2283, Code 4395M010], the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), [CLIA ID# 33D0142107], the College of American Pathologists (CAP), [Laboratory # 26380-01] and is certified by both Medicare [Provider # 33L008708] and Medicaid [Provider # D1367642].
For further information and inquiries about the OMH Clinical Laboratory, contact Dr. Hilbert at (845) 398-6518 or by FAX at (845) 398-5568.
Central Reference Laboratory (CRL)
Originally founded as a research laboratory in the area of neurotoxicology by Leon Roizin, M.D. and Lawrence Kolb, M.D. (the former commissioner of Mental Hygiene), the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) has evolved into a specialized, licensed clinical laboratory serving all Office of Mental Health (OMH) facilities.
The CRL furnishes therapeutic drug monitoring in the areas of anti-psychotic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-asthmatic medications. Services for substance abuse testing of urine and quantitative determinations of hormones are also provided. All specimens are transported to the laboratory by Express Mail or private courier. Results are returned by computer to the sending facility 24 to 48 hours after receipt. The laboratory averages 58,000 tests a month.
The CRL is licensed by the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.